4 Effective Ways to Brew Delicious Coffee at Home

coffee brewing methods

Become An Expert Home Barista With These 4 Brewing Methods

There’s nothing like a hearty and rich cup of java first thing in the morning. But with so many options, you may have a tough time deciding on your go-to brewing method. Look no further! We’re here to break down some different ways to make coffee at home to help you single out your preferred method for that perfect cup of morning goodness.

Pour Over

pour over coffee

One of the simplest ways to brew smooth and full-bodied coffee is using the pour over method. All you need is a paper filter, a vessel and a simple filter cone, also known as a coffee cone. Fun fact: Coffee cones can be made from stainless steel, ceramic, glass or even plastic. Now, here’s how to do it. Fit the paper filter into your coffee cone and then place the cone over whatever vessel you’re brewing into. Add your freshly ground coffee to the cone and pour boiling water evenly – in a circular motion - over the coffee grounds. The brewed coffee will slowly drip directly into your vessel of choice leaving you with delectable, freshly brewed coffee in just a matter of minutes.

French Press


The French press method is one of the easiest ways to enjoy a robust and expressive cup of joe. And you don’t even need a paper filter for this one! Just pour your favorite coffee grounds into a carafe followed by boiling water. We recommend our CBD infused coffee beans to enjoy all the benefits of coffee without the anxiety. To release the coffee’s flavorful oils, make sure your grounds are fully steeped in the water. Wait for a few minutes before placing on the carafe lid. Then, press the plunger down slowly until the grounds have been firmly pressed to the bottom of the carafe. And there you have it: French press coffee. Pour the exquisitely flavorful coffee into your favorite mug and enjoy!



Not as popular as the pour over or the French press, the AeroPress is for the coffee enthusiast who wants a faster brew than your typical drip coffee. The plastic device, which consists of two nesting cylinders, was created by engineer and physician Alan Adler in 2005. Think of this appliance as a syringe, with one of the airtight-sealed cylinders fitting into the larger cylinder. To make your AeroPress coffee, place a wet paper filter into the bottom of your device and assemble the two cylinders as shown here. Next, add your coffee grounds and water and use a plunger to force espresso-like brewed coffee through a filter directly into your cup. Unsure what ground size you should be using for your brew? Skim this for a quick overview.


siphon coffee

The siphon is a beautifully elaborate and theatrical way to brew coffee and impress your friends! The all-glass contraption was invented in Germany in the 1840s. To achieve the perfect cup of siphon-brewed coffee, place water in the bottom part of the device, also known as a bulb, and use a flame to heat the water. When the water in the bulb begins boiling, the water will rise to the siphon’s top component or “hopper,” which is attached to the bulb. From here, add coffee grounds to the hopper, making sure they are fully immersed in the water. When the heat source is removed, gravity (yay physics!) will draw the brewed coffee down through a filter into the bulb. And voila! Your fancy coffee is now ready for your enjoyment.

Delicious coffee starts with excellent quality beans. Civilized Coffee offers direct-trade, sustainably sourced coffee from around the world. Shop our expertly roasted coffee today to upgrade your morning ritual.