The 2020 Guide to Gifts for Coffee Lovers

Coffee Lover Gift Guide

6 Perfect Gifts for All Kinds of Coffee Fanatics

This year, we’ve all become master bread bakers, bartenders, homeschool teachers, Zoom technicians, and more. Along with all these new endeavors come successes, struggles, and – our favorite part – lots and lots of coffee. Lucky for us, that also means plenty of present possibilities for these newly appointed at-home baristas that are way better than the typical socks-and-sweater holiday gift combo. Let’s get brewing.


1. The Ultimate At-Home Coffee Kit

Coffee Gift Box

For the friend that’s just graduated from a Keurig, our ultimate gift box is the perfect starting point for delving into the world of coffee. A Bodum electric coffee grinder makes it easy to enjoy freshly ground, and a glass French press is an elegant, yet no-fuss method of brewing your morning cup of joe (Bonus: It looks great sitting on the counter, too). Of course, you’ll also get a bag of sustainably sourced coffee, roasted locally here in Jacksonville, Florida.

2. A Handheld Mixer

For the friend that loves Dalgona coffee (or Dalgona chocolate), a handheld mixer is a great way to say, “Hey, give your arm a break. You deserve it.” With this powerful kitchen tool, they’ll be able to whip up that frothy, trendy drink in no time – and also make other recipes a lot easier too, including our coffee buttercream.

CBD Coffee Gift Guide

3. CBD Coffee

For the friend that’s maybe had a bit too much coffee these past months, CBD coffee may just be the perfect solution. Known for its ability to boost energy without the buzz, this blend of cannabidiol and ground coffee is the answer to caffeine jitters.  

4. A Smart Mug

For the friend that gets too caught up in work and forgets their coffee, a smart mug keeps their cup of joe toasty while they type. Just set the ideal temperature and the mug will heat up as requested, no desperate microwaving required.

5. A Metal Straw

For the friend that sips iced coffee no matter the weather, a metal straw is a stylish and sustainable accessory. Use it at home or on the go as a substitute for plastic straws and help protect our beaches and our environment. It’s like giving a gift to the planet, too.

P.S. Looking for more sustainable gifts? Check out our Surfrider Gift Box, developed with the First Coast Chapter of the Surfrider Foundation. The box contains two bags of our Surfrider Select blend, and we’ll donate part of the proceeds to the foundation to support their mission.

6. A Monthly Coffee Subscription


For the friend that can never get enough coffee, sign them up for the Civilized Coffee Club. Choose a favorite, or opt for a surprise sampling of new flavors, for monthly coffee delivery straight to your door. It’s like getting a gift month after month after month - and who wouldn’t want that?