A Quick Guide to The Most Popular Espresso Drinks


Espresso Your Love With These Seven Delicious Drinks

Drinking coffee is hands down one of our favorite daily routines, especially when it involves espresso. You may be wondering, what exactly is espresso? It’s a delightfully bold and concentrated form of coffee made by forcing pressurized hot water through finely-ground coffee beans. We especially love espresso because it’s incredibly versatile. You can drink it as a shot or you can use it to make a wide variety of exquisite espresso-based drinks. We’re going to break down some of the most popular espresso beverages so you can spice things up next time you get that coffee craving!


This classic, one of the creamiest and well-known espresso drinks, features a shot of espresso and steamed milk, topped with a thin layer of airy milk foam. Quick tip: The standard ratio for espresso to steamed milk in a latte is about 1-to-2. A well-made latte should be rich and creamy with a gloriously smooth texture. You can also tweak your latte by adding flavors like vanilla and hazelnut. The possibilities are endless!


Often confused with a latte, cappuccinos typically have more foam and less milk than lattes. Made popular during both World Wars, a cappuccino should be equal parts espresso, steamed milk and foamed milk. Most cappuccinos include a thick layer of foam for velvety goodness. Cappuccinos have a bolder coffee flavor than lattes so if you enjoy the espresso flavor but don’t want to be overwhelmed by it, this just might be the drink for you.

Flat White

Using milk with very little foam, this espresso drink is called a flat white for good reason! First made popular in Australia and New Zealand, this beverage is similar to cappuccinos but has a higher espresso-to-milk ratio. Unlike most steamed espresso drinks, the milk in a flat white sits in a thinly textured and glossy layer.


Although you may be familiar with the sugary version, a traditional macchiato is simply a shot of espresso topped with a dollop of frothed milk. This potent drink allows you to enjoy the most concentrated espresso flavor. Macchiato in Italian means “marked” or “stained” and refers to how the espresso is “marked” with a dash of milk foam to dull the intensity.


The Americano is the perfect choice for coffee drinkers who enjoy that distinct espresso-forward flavor. This robust and full-flavored beverage is made by diluting a shot of espresso with around six to eight ounces of hot water. The end result? A delicious cup of strong coffee that will keep you feeling energized. Keep in mind the Americano stands out among its espresso friends: It’s served black, without milk.

Espresso Drink Americano


A cortado is a luxurious beverage consisting of a 1:1 ratio of espresso and steamed milk - with little to no foam - mixed throughout the shot. This drink gets its name from the Spanish verb cortar (“to cut”). The creamy, light milk “cuts” through the bitterness and acidity of the espresso to create the perfect harmony between flavors. 


This sweet and delectable drink is short for “mocha latte” or “cafe mocha” and is simply a classic latte with chocolate syrup or cocoa powder added to it. Yum! Our all-natural, non-GMO and gluten-free cocoa powder is perfect for rich mochas. With a notable chocolate taste, this delicious drink sweetly satisfies. Fun fact: The beverage takes its name from the city of Mocha in Yemen, a central marketplace for coffee between the 15th and early 18th centuries. 

Whichever drink you choose, high-quality espresso is always the first step. Explore our range of direct trade, sustainably sourced coffee beans for an espresso that’s full of rich flavor.

Interested in pairing a rich and fragrant espresso drink with a delicious home-baked good? Shop Civilized Coffee’s line of craft baking ingredients to whip up the perfect dessert to savor with your beverage.